
How to Make 2021 Your Year and Finally Accomplish Your Wellness Goals

Do you constantly find yourself reaching out for another cup of coffee in attempts to try to wake up? How about that pair of jeans you bought planning on losing the last few pounds? And don’t even get me started on finding time to read that awesome book that has been sitting on your night stand, lurking at you, and begging you to be read.

There are just not enough hours in the day, and days in the week to do everything we need and want to do. No time to get enough sleep, finish all of the work assignments, school work, clean up the house, plan and cook healthy meals, go to the gym, visit family, hang out with friends….

But, if the days are so short, and things are impossible to get done, how do some people manage to complete everything, or are they?

Well, it comes down to planning, prioritizing, and organizing.

Most of us proud ourselves on having great multitasking skills. We think that the busier we sound, the more important we look. But the truth is, the greatness of multitasking is a myth. According to American Psychological Association, loading your plate and trying to take care of multiple tasks at once, will negatively affect your productivity. Switching back and forth between tasks, can sabotage your productivity by as much as 40%. WHATTT? This in itself should be a reason to take few minutes out of your day and map out you plan. I personally like to do this on Sundays for the week to come.

So, first things first. In order to be productive at all, you need to make sure you are getting sufficient sleep.

I know this can be hard, I used to be a night owl and an early bird. I could stay up till 2 am and wake up at 6 am ready to go. But that wasn’t healthy, neither was it sustainable in the long run. I finally realized that something had to give. The transition wasn’t easy and took some adjustment, but I finally found a sleeping schedule that works for my body. I wake up between 5:30 and 5:45 am on weekdays, and around 6:00 am on weekends, which gives me about 1 to 1.5 h to do things for myself: reading, catching up on news, working out, or just enjoying my cup of tea. Because of that, I try to be in bed by 10:30 pm, or 11:00 pm the latest. If you are trying to shift your own sleeping schedule, it is best to take baby steps and going to bed 15 minutes early every few days.

Well-balanced diet is usually another thing people on a wellness journey are striving for. Though it might seem complicated, there are few small steps you can take every day to get yourself heading in the right direction:
  • Strive for eating 5 meals per day: Breakfast, lunch dinner, and two snacks in between. Having smaller meals will keep your blood sugar levels stable and prevent you from starving and then overeating
  • Pay attention to the portion sizes. Meals in the US can be twice the size of meals in other parts of the world
  • Eat mindfully and pay attention to your food. It takes your brain about 20 minutes to register that you are full.
  • Meals should be composed of quality products and include protein, healthy fats, and complex carbohydrates
  • Stay away from fad diets which cut out any food groups, unless of course you have allergies and intolerances, in which case you should seek an advice from a registered dietitian
  • Avoid diets which limit you caloric intake below what your body needs on regular basis
  • Eat the rainbow. Your plate should be full of different colors and textures
  • Make sure you are staying hydrated. Occasionally, the brain will send mixed signals and make you think you are hungry, when in fact you are thirsty. Stick to water and caffeine-free drinks as your main source of hydration
  • Keep your alcohol consumption at bay
  • Limit processed sugar

One good resource I recommend checking out is https://www.choosemyplate.gov/ . This website will guide you through dietary recommendations and provide you with different online tools to get you started on your good eating habits.

Move more. Physical activity benefits are endless and include, but are not limited to:
  • Improved mood
  • Decreased risks of developing certain diseases and other health related issues
    • Anxiety
    • Depression
    • Type 2 diabetes
    • Cardiovascular Disease
    • High blood pressure
    • Metabolic syndrome
    • Stroke
    • Some cancers
  • Weight gain prevention
  • Improved sleep
  • Higher energy levels

It is important to remember that there is no one size fits all exercise program. What might work for one person, might not be the best option for another person. If you are new to exercising all together, it might be beneficial to seek help of a fitness professional, or at least find social network which would support you on your new journey. Whether you enjoy going to the gym, or prefer to work out at the comfort of your own home, it is imperative that you do your research, and find a program that works for you. It is trial and error. So please do not give up until you find a system which matches your preferences and fits in your lifestyle.

Practice mindfulness. Forget about what happened. Don’t dwell about what might have been.

Stop worrying about the future. Instead, concentrate on the present moment. Let go of judgement. There are no mistakes. Every situation is an opportunity for us to learn. Practicing mindfulness on regular basis will reduce your stress levels, improve your sleep, improve your self-esteem, mood and working memory. From physical aspect, practicing mindfulness can decrease inflammation and blood pressure. What are some of mindfulness exercises you can practice every day?

  • Pay attention to food. Notice its consistency, smell, flavor, temperature. Take time chewing and enjoy every bite.
  • Move consciously. Pay attention to your body mechanics. When you go for a walk, enjoy the view, fresh air, temperature. Do not text message or talk on your phone. Just appreciate the beauty around you.
  • Listen carefully not only to the people you are having a conversatin with, but also every day sounds. Birds chirping, trains passing by, waves crushing against the shore. Just enjoy the melody of the world
  • Forgive, not only people wo hurt you but also yourself. Don’t dwell on prior mistakes or beat yourself up for them, but learn from them instead
  • Concentrate on an object, a picture or a candle, and just breath
  • Close your eye and concentrate on the flow of your breath

Lastly, think about what makes you happy and do more of it.

Find something that brings a smile to your face and helps you jump out of the bed every morning. Something you can look forward to each day. Even if you only have 10mminutes to enjoy it. There is no right or wrong here. Life is too short to be stuck doing things that make you feel miserable.

Remember, your mental health is just as important as your physical being. Use each day to find the equilibrium which will keep you happy and let you live your best life.