
Stop Doing So Much and Simplify Your Life

We are continuously told to do more. Exercise more. Wake up earlier. Work harder. Earn degrees and certifications. Drink more water. Eat more veggies. Do a 68-step skincare routine…. The list goes on and on. And listen, from the wellness educator point of view, I get it. Some of these things are REALLY important. However, always focusing on what else we can add to our plate, will eventually lead to a burn-out. And that is not the goal of all of that, is it?

Since we were kids, we have been taught to believe that we ought to be superheroes. We need to do impossible things in order to save the world. But the truth is, that your being here and alive in on its own makes you a superhero. The sole fact that you were born, is a miracle. And you are not an accident. You are here for a reason. There is a divine plan waiting for you to follow it when you are ready. But in order to be ready, you need to let go of controlling every aspect of your life, surrender, and listen.

In order to do that, you need to stop focusing on doing everything that every expert in his or her industry tells you to do, and just focus on what aligns with your life’s purpose. That means:

  • Stop doing so much
  • Streamline your routine
  • And simplify your life

Will it be easy? Probably no. Will it be worth it? Heck yes.

Here are some ways in which you can find some more freedom.

  1. Stop saying “yes” to everyone and everything. Really get in tune with yourself, and only agree to do things that align with your needs, values, and wants. Never feel bad about saying “NO”.
  2. It is ok to use grocery delivery service. I still have days when I opt-in for someone else to do my shopping and deliver it, so that I can have more quality time with my family. Plus, that creates job security for someone else.
  3. Try blending in movement naturally into your lifestyle. I am a yoga and Pilates teacher, and wellness educator, so I fully understand the importance of exercising regularly. However, on the days that you are strapped for time, look for opportunities to add extra steps: use stairs instead of an elevator, park farther away from your destination and walk, take a stroll at lunch.
  4. Find grace in stillness. You do not have to fill every minute of your waking hours with to dos. Enjoy a cup of coffee in the morning, few pages of a book mid-day, or a bath in the evening.
  5. Midday naps are more than ok.
  6. Set limitations with your family. Don’t be afraid to tell them that you are not available for the next 20 minutes and use that time to do whatever feeds your soul. My hubby and son know that when I announce that I am going to meditate or exercise that means DND.
  7. Sign up for a meal delivery service. Many of them come chopped, so prepping the actual food takes 30 minutes or less. And since the ingredients are premeasured, there is no food waste.

There are many other ways you can use to find extra time. It really comes down to reviewing and revamping. And positive attitude is an integral part of redesigning your routine and your schedule. So grab a cup of calming herbal tea, your calendar, and a pencil, sit down, take a few deep breaths, and schedule some free time. The happy, relaxed, and not rushed you awaits.