
The Importance of Saying “Enough” and Actually Acting Up on It.

As women, we have the tendency to wear many hats: moms, entrepreneurs, cooks, housekeepers, wives, shoppers, conflict negotiators, the list goes on and on. On top of that, we strive to be everything for everyone: strong, smart, beautiful, dedicated. We try to prove it to the world and ourselves that our mental, emotional, and physical abilities are infinite. Unfortunately, all that comes at a cost. We eventually feel drained, frustrated, and unmotivated. It is time to stop climbing all of the peaks of excellence and start enjoying life and everything it has to offer.

Stop doing everything for everyone.

Hold on to the things that bring you joy, and delegate those that do not. I get it, letting go of your to do’s can be hard. Start with one small thing a day. Be it loading or unloading the dishwasher, prepping foods for dinner, or cleaning up afterwards.

Set your priorities straight.

As Betty Friedan once said,

“You can have it all, just not all at the same time.”

It is time to figure out what it is you want now, and what it is you want for your future. With that in mind, select one or two things you are ready to give you all to, and do your best.

Stop being so hard on yourself.

Our constant strive for perfection, means that we are our own worst critics. Our inner voice often tells us that we could do more and do it better. Remember that that it is ok to make mistakes. They are part of being a human. They are an integral part of learning and evolving. When you look at them from this perspective, allows you to tap into your creative potential.

Be proud of yourself.

You are a badass, a real-life Superwoman. And, there is no need to prove yourself to anyone. Do not take away your own powers and abilities. We are so quick to praising other and congratulating them. But yet, when it comes down to our own successes, we diminish their value. We get uncomfortable when people congratulate us or pay us compliments. It is time to own your value and accept that you are amazing.

So, the time has come to say enough. Enough doing everything for everyone. Enough with the perfectionism. Enough with putting yourself down. Start giving yourself some grace. Accept compliments when they are given. Focus on the things that bring you joy, and let go of those that bring you down, even if it means temporarily adjusting your lifestyle.