Lifestyle, Mindfulness, Wellness

In Search of Happiness and What you Can Do Everyday to Attain It.

Happiness is something within the reach of each of us. However, our preconceived notion that it has to be earned keeps us from taking full advantage of it.  We often think that we will be happy if … happens (we get a particular job or a raise, buy a new car, lose weight, you name it). But this couldn’t be further from the truth. If we base our happiness on external things, we will never be truly happy, as we will be living in the future which is uncertain.

Happiness, in fact, is present within each of us, every single minute we are alive.

We just need to be receptive to it and to notice it. Granted, there are things out of our control, which sometimes are extremely hard. However, with each breath we take, we have a choice of how we will respond and deal with the reality. The goal isn’t to always be happy and smiling, particularly when we are dealing with something difficult. In fact, it is important that we do not neglect our feelings. But, it is equally important to become experts in our own emotions, and learn how to nurture ourselves, so that we do not spend days, weeks, months, or years wishing away our lives.

We also need to understand that nothing is permanent.

None of us knows how much time we have left on this planet, which makes it even more essential that we enjoy each present moment we are so absolutely lucky to have. Practicing mindfulness is an integrative part of this mindset. It allows us to be present in the moment, and not teleport ourselves to the past or the future. Afterall, the past is over with, and the future is yet to happen.

Learning to let go is another part of the happiness equation.

Let go of hurt, grief, and embarrassment. Let go of people and things that do not serve the best versions of ourselves. Let go of outdated ideas. Let go of past identities. And let go of fallacies we tell ourselves. Time to accept ourselves for who we are. We are all so beautifully individual, and we should be proud of that. When things do not go our way, rather than holding on to regret, we should ask ourselves “what is the opportunity in this situation?” The stories you tell yourself become your reality, and you do have the power to change your situation.

Lastly, make sure to eat your way happy.

No, it does not mean to munch on processed foods, fast foods, and sugar-loaded junk. Instead, get back to basics, focusing on lean protein, healthy fats, complex carbs, and fiber. And don’t forget about foods rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. Since our brains are mostly made out of fat, those fatty acids are essential to our emotional wellbeing. Vitamin B12 and D deficiencies have also been linked with depression, so those nutrients are crucial components of our dietary needs.

Being happy requires commitment and consistency. Each morning you wake up, we have to make a conscious choice to be happy, particularly if you’ve spent the last few months or years in the “why me” mode. Once you consciously focus on choosing happiness, particularly during the hard times, this new way of thinking will eventually imprint itself in your subconscious mind and become the new reality.